
Hey Hey!! I had a GREAT night with friends tonight. Good Convo. Good Laughs. Good eats. Good Good Night! I also had an adventurous trip to walmart.

On to more important things…


Tomorrow my dad is having back surgery. Please keep him in your thoughts & prayers. his surgery will be around 7…maybe before that but definitely around that time. Please just pray for an easy surgery and a quick recovery.

He has to get better. I know he’s going stir-crazy sitting inside for the past week and a half…now he has to sit longer. Bless his little sweet heart. 

PRAYING FOR YOU DAD! I’ll see you tomorrow night.


Go watch the new John & Jacob video, like ASAP and pass it along to all your friends!

I know you will enjoy.

Bye for now


P.S. Can’t WAIT to be in Birmingham until Sunday!!!! OH & how did I forget to mention, Frances because and aunt for the THIRD time today!! Congrats Leah & Camren! Kinley is going to be spoiled rotten!!!


Hi ThereMonday wasn’t so bad huh?!? I still have the determination to make every monday the best it can be. I just feel bad for Monday. Everyone dreads it, but it doesn’t change the situation. Every monday will come…every single week. So, why not just LOVE them. Actually come to think of it, today, most business were closed to observe the holiday. 

We were REALLY busy at work because of everyone being off. BUT we all loved it. 

My poor little Dad went to the doctor today. He has been having some serious back troubles, and found out today he will be having surgery this week. Keep him in your prayers. I will be taking off on Friday so I can be home and visit with him.

I can’t wait to spend the weekend with my family. I sure have missed the heck out of them . Also, I can’t wait to see my sparklies (the friends I worked with in bham before I moved to flo). We are going out to celebrate Tiffany’s Birthday! CANT WAIT DOLL!

Photo on 2013-01-21 at 22.08 #5

Anyway, HAPPY MONDAY loves. 





Saturday Morning

Hey all!

It’s SATURDAY andI’m in Huntsville. Sipping on a nice cup of coffee with my basically 2nd mom:) Mary Mac! We LOVE having coffee together! 

Today we have a busy and FUN day. We are going to the botanical gardens to look around, then we are finishing the rest of the day with a little shopping.

LOVE it.

Photo on 2013-01-19 at 07.35 #3

Will take lots of photos to share later.

Bysie Bye


Maison Scotch. L o v e

Hi loves

Tonights Top two picks are by the WONDERFUL Maison Scotch. Here are my picks!


Sequin Collar Army Blouse


Printed Silky Pants

Here is a BEAUTIFUL Bonus!

Check out Maison Scoth and tell me a few of your favorites designs!

OH one last thing, I have a HAIR Appointment tomorrow woohooo!!!


Little Bro

I have just spent like two hours watching old videos on my mac that I had totally forgotten about. They seriously made my heart smile. My favorite one was one of me and my little brother that I don’t even remember recording. It was just us two on Thanksgiving! He has grown up so much since then!


That’s all for tonight. It’s Freezing here….like literally FREEZING. 

I’m going to cuddle into my warm blankies. Night for now.



I really don’t think it is ever going to quit raining. It hasn’t stopped all day. It’s PERFECT, stay inside all day weather. Unfortunately, that isn’t an option. 

So I’m working on my submission for my avon order and all I am seeing is Red this, Red that, Heart this, Heart that, Love this, Love that…Love love love, blah blah blah;) Seriously, we just got finished with Christmas!!! Why is Valentines already smacking me in the face?!? not necessary. 

Okay I’ve finished my rant for the day!

What’s everyones weekend plans? I am staying in Florence this weekend!!! I’m going to relax and enjoy my new little place to call home. 

It’s ALMOST the weekend.


Oh P.S. my bestie will be gone to market the next three days! She will be getting GREAT merchandise for PSI!!! wooohoooo Love it!


Today I am blogging from home…as in my Parents home in Birmingham. Took a late afternoon trip here yesterday. Had to take care of some business with a company here…and by take care of business, I mean I had to put my foot down and demand someones service that actually gives a flying-flip about their customers.

On to brighter, happier things. After putting my foot down I got to go to World Market and browse around with my mom and Reilly. LOVE world market. It’s such a fun fun store.

Here are a few photos from the past couple of days.

I have a baby shower to go to today. SUPER excited. Its for a lady who was like my second mom throughout my teenage years. I can definitely say with complete confidence that she is one of the main people that shaped me into the person I am today. She had such a huge influence on my life and I am beyond excited about seeing her today!

Another few hours to spend with the family, then Im off to Huntsville to pick up Frances!




Hey Hey!

Well tonight my new furniture was supposed to be delivered….didn’t come. I am BEYOND mad about this and someone WILL get an ear full from me tomorrow! anyway on to happier things.

So instead of lounging on my new sofa tonight, I am having a wonderful evening filled with people I love. Frannie, Brent & I had a fun shopping time at Hobby Lobby. I spent a few minutes making a new door piece for my front door!!!! I LOVE being in the same town as my best gal pal. It’s SO much fun.

Tonight I am going to share some of my FAVORITE Instagram photos of the week!

Here we go…

New Coffee Spot in my kitchen is my FAVORITE place. It’s the tiniest little cutsie area!








Those are only a few. I mean everyone knows the instagram love that goes on in ONE day. Therefore my list could go on and on and on and on. 

Well I’ve got to get my exercise in for the day. Tootles friends


Christmas Time

MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone! I hope your day has been wonderful and full of family, love, and memories.

Here are a few photos from the past two days. Enjoy.

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Today was SO great. I love spending time with my family. Its hard to believe that Christmas is over now. It’s insane. I’ve had a great time being home and seeing people. I wish it didn’t have to end! Take a few seconds and think about how BLESSED you are. I know I am feeling very very overwhelmed with blessings. Please remember the one true reason we celebrate today. So thankful that God sent his son to save me. 


Hope you enjoyed the photos



Fun Quick Catch up!

Ello! ITS CHRISTMAS. Ahh and I absolutely  l o v e it! I’ve been soaking up the family time like Crazy!!!!

I had Christmas time with the Adams family. It was great! 

photo 1 photo 2 photo 3 photo 4photo 5

Frances got me custom designed jewelry to match my FAVORITE necklace! Sweet Mary Mac & Mr. Gary got me a Keurig!

AND FRIDAY was a super exciting day.

photo 1

Sweet Precious Beautiful Baby Harper Mason Adams was born. Lydia & True seriously have the most beautiful children! I just LOVE LOVE LOVE them SOOOO much. I’m so blessed to have this whole family in my life and I can’t for the life of me figure out why I have been so blessed. I don’t deserve any of it!

photo 3OH I finished up ALL of my Christmas goodies. They are all packaged up SO cutsie. 

It’s been a GREAT weekend. I have the sweetest family. I spent the entire day yesterday just hanging out and baking things with my mom:) It was a blast. We also went to a Christmas Party. I finished up the night with great things…shopping at World Market and getting coffee with my girls, Rae, Reisa, & Reilly, then waffle house and telly with J. Really GREAT night:) 

So yeah….obviously my Christmas days are going perfect. Now I’m off for Church!

Bye for now





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